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turmeric powder
₵ 25
turmeric powder
Asokore Mampong
, Ashanti

turmeric powder is a natural product which has many health benefits on the skin and in the body.It is organic and natural.
sweet almond oil
₵ 30
sweet almond oil
Asokore Mampong
, Ashanti

sweet almond oil purely natural and organic
coconut oil
₵ 30
coconut oil
Asokore Mampong
, Ashanti

pure coconut oil natural and organic,good for hair growth,skin disease,weight loss,controls cholesterol,helps prevent heart disease etc.
Fenugreek Powder
₵ 20
Fenugreek Powder
, Ashanti

organic fenugreek powder purely natural and has many health benefits.
Cinnamon Powder
₵ 20
Cinnamon Powder
, Ashanti

Cinnamon Powder is a natural spices which helps treat many health problem .it is good for controlling cholesterol,stroke,diabetes,weight loss,arthritis and for immune ...
Pumpkin Seed
₵ 25
Pumpkin Seed
, Ashanti

Pumpkin Seed is a natural seed which is good for prostate problems,controls blood sugar levels,for heart disease,it is also an antioxidant ect.
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