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Battery Charger
₵ 250
Battery Charger
, Ashanti

the current at which it is being charged.
it also comes with its own inbuilt cooling fan.
it is fully automatic and will stop charging when the battery is ...
the current at which it is being charged.
it also comes with its own inbuilt cooling fan.
it is fully automatic and will stop charging when the battery is ...
Mobile Phone Stand
₵ 35
Mobile Phone Stand
, Ashanti

... or landscape position.
It is made with aluminum alloy so it is strong and ...
It is made with aluminum alloy so it is strong and ...
Colour Bulb with Bluetooth Speaker
₵ 130
Colour Bulb with Bluetooth Speaker
, Ashanti

... your smart phone.
There are so many functions like programming when the light ccmes on and off and the ...
There are so many functions like programming when the light ccmes on and off and the ...
Digital Timer Plug Switch
₵ 130
Digital Timer Plug Switch
, Ashanti

... There are countless other uses.
It is quite easy to program with the provided instruction manual but if you do not like reading instructions like I do you can ...
It is quite easy to program with the provided instruction manual but if you do not like reading instructions like I do you can ...
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